If you need a personal assistance building a website, a lot of custom work, or unique website’s design, or to help you out individually to set-up a website, you should contact one of our partner teams as they can make you a whole website or unique design if you need.
Our partners for custom work:
Relative Works, Ltd.
Envato profile: https://codecanyon.net/user/relativeworks_eu
Experience: rookie
Rate: 14-22 USD / hr (incl. taxes)
Budget range: 50-1000 USD (incl. taxes) / client / 50 days
Payment model: Per project or per hour (client decides)
Skills: basic customizations
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania (EU)
Website: http://relativeworks.eu
Contact e-mail:
WAcademy, Ltd.
Envato profile: https://codecanyon.net/user/wacademy
Experience: rookie
Rate: 14-22 USD / hr (incl. taxes)
Budget range: 50-1000 USD (incl. taxes) / client / 50 days
Payment model: Per project or per hour (client decides)
Skills: basic customizations
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania (EU)
Website: https://wacademy.ie
Contact e-mail:
Starflix, Ltd.
Envato profile: https://codecanyon.net/user/starflix_dublin
Experience: experienced
Rate: 28-38 USD / hr (incl. taxes)
Minimum budget: 200+ USD (incl. taxes) / client / 50 days
Payment model: Per project or per hour (client decides)
Skills: advanced, complex modifications
Location: Dublin, Ireland (EU)
Website: https://www.starflix.co.uk
Contact e-mail:
KiroTech, Ltd.
Envato profile: https://codecanyon.net/user/deluxethemes
Experience: very experienced
Rate: 28-38 USD / hr (incl. taxes)
Minimum budget: 200+ USD (incl. taxes) / client / 50 days
Payment model: Per project or per hour (client decides)
Skills: advanced, complex modifications
Location: Kaunas, Lithuania (EU)
Website: https://kiro.tech
Contact e-mail:
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