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CHRIS PECK, Insane Gorilla Pty Ltd.
“We hired Kestutis after we had a disaster with our external web developer, and were naturally cautious working with someone new. Kestutis gave us accurate estimates of time and costs, and delivered on time and within budget, and even went on deliver above and beyond what we expected. Given our situation, he saved the day, and renewed our faith in web developers. I’d highly recommend him.”

ARNY ZINS, Trustribe, Inc.
“I would recommend Kestutis not only as a professional of development but especially as an IT person who perfectly understands processes of business. His strong technical background and deep business insights helped us develop our business very fast. Partnership with Kestutis was smooth and very beneficial.”

THEO NEGRI, BuildZoom, Inc.
“Kestutis and I met in San Francisco. He is an excellent developer and hard worker. Very committed to his work, he is able to understand the product and the business behind. He will make strong & good suggestions. His past as a developer and businessman is a great asset for startups who need to move fast with the right decisions.”

MICHAEL RUPE, Credit Sesame, Inc.
“Kestutis is a very strong developer, he is well versed in many different coding methodologies. He is very detailed in his approach to development and works hard to recommend the best solutions based upon the requirements. I enjoyed working with Kestutis and would recommend him to anyone looking for an advanced developer.”
SolidMVC – a GDPR-compliant micro-framework that based on collection of most popular coding-standards (PSR-2, PSR-4 Autoloaders, Semantic Versioning, Unicode CLDR support, BCNF Database Structure) and Technologies (Font-Awesome) to allow any Object-Oriented Software Architect from C# or Java, PHP Software Architects comming to WordPress from Symfony or Laravel, to pick-up and start coding in WordPress withing the same day, without any need to learn any new coding standards. I, as software architect, developed the SolidMVC together with professors and lectors from worlds TOP-500 universities, that are the creators of Software Engineering Master Degree courses of Software Architecture and Design courses. The SolidMVC was developed in 4 years (2015-2019) and is licensed under almost unlimited – MIT-license, meaning that it can be used for both – commercial and non-commercial use. The example MVP (Minimum Viable Product) of SolidMVC is at w.org as Expandable FAQ.